Thursday, 23 May 2013

Time to Begin

Its taken me 2 hours to set up this blog page, but considering its taken me 40 years to start my life journey that's not bad ha!. What is with the procrastinating of doing things. This is the second blog page I have started but this is the only one I have actually written on, just fear of letting go of my words, thoughts and ideas. WOW ! time to get started.

I've called this Blog The Sanctuary, I had an idea to rent a building and make it into a coffee shop, book store, creative space, prayer/meeting room, even a dance studio !! a place to come and chill and hangout and feel like you are in a Sanctuary, for a few minutes or a few hours. A space of freedom and creativity. I have this plan in my head, on paper and I have shared it with God, but for now, this is my starting place, who knows where this may lead. With God in the plan anything is possible, this is my experience anyway and I believe He has a plan for my life and this may not be His plan, it may look completely different but either way I know it will still be a Sanctuary and I'm ok with that. Sometimes I just wish he would give me a hint or hurry up,'Lord grant me patience, but hurry up' !!! 

A few years ago someone spoke the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" into my life. This scripture has come in my path quite a few times in the last few years, I know he has a plan for my life, the question is, am I ready? Am I ready to open myself to Him and trust Him to take my life where he wants it to go, I know it wont be an easy path and it has taken me a looong time to come to this, but He will fulfil my hearts desires. WOW exciting and scary at the same time. I have tried so many things in my life and all have been done in my own will, but none have sustained or made me happy. After burning out in business and life its time to surrender to myself, my past, my God. I'm ready for what He has in store for me, at the moment I don't feel its much just a lot of sitting and listening, God has no time limits, unfortunately.

Tomorrow will be another day closer to The Sanctuary, however that looks to God, I'm just happy to be where I am today, 'warts n all'. Its time to Begin Life, its time to face some fears.   


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